How Dangerous Are European Honey Bees in Australia?

If you ask Australians who do they consider the deadliest creatures in their country to be, you 'll probably think of getting answers that include the names of creatures like spiders, snakes, sharks, stonefish, box jellyfish and blue-ringed octopus. Can you ever think that the list would also include the name of European honey bees, which are typically found in the temperate regions all over the world. They aren't native to Europe however. Rather, they originated from Asia and Middle East. They were named to be so because European colonists actually introduced them to North America. 

If you ever come across European honey bees, it is important that you should get in touch with a professional who deals with bee pest control in Melbourne. By getting in touch with them, you will be able to quickly knock-down these pests. 

Australian scientists are in fact abuzz with the potential of the native bees, some of which may be considered as deadly. These creatures were brought in Australia in 1822 and kills at least 1-2 persons every year. Sharks claim fever lives on average and deaths from spiders are also low. 

A bee sting mostly causes localised pain as well as swelling. The pain usually faeds but only after swelling & itching. Some individuals may also experience signs including redness of skin around the sting. They produce venom, called apitoxin, in the abdominal glands & store it in their special sacs. Though the toxin happens to be poisonous to human beings, each of the sting injects not more than 0.1mg. However, about three percent of population is considered to be allergic to the venom. Within a few minutes of being stung, the individual generally develops symptoms of anaphylactic shock. People even experience severe side effects like nausea, fainting and even death in some extreme cases. 

Numbers of stings even play an important role in the effects. As number of stings increase, severity of the reaction even increases and may be lethal to anyone if stung a number of times. If a person has been stung several times by honey bees, they must seek a medical professional. 

Surprisingly, irrespective of the potential damage, none is celebrating the anticipated arrival of a little invader who is thought of decimating the population of European honey bee in the country. Described, assigned and identified as Varroa destructor, the parasite is basically blamed for billions of dollars of lost agricultural production all over the world since 1980s. Though mites are bee parasites, none is considered to be as debilitating to the honey bee as V. destructor. 

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